AA2A information 

Artist FAQs

If you have any questions not listed here, please contact us directly

1) Artists must have at least one year of professional arts practice. 2) Artists must have availability within the relevant academic year and commit to 50 - 100 hours on-site. 3) Artists must be able to work with minimal technical support as the main focus for staff is their students. 4) Host institutions may not be able to offer a dedicated workspace or storage facilities, so artists should have their own place of work/studio outside of the university/college 5) Artists must be willing to deliver up to 4 sessions to students (workshop, talk, lecture, crit etc)
Artists commit to spending between 50 and 100 hours on-site during one academic year. Residencies start in the autumn term and finish in the summer term, with exact dates depending on each institution’s academic calendar. 
If approved by your host institution then yes. In 2023/24, the average time artists spent on campus was approx 120 hours.
Artists can usually access studio space, workshops, digital labs, libraries and lecture programmes. Artists are often invited to attend lectures, private views and other university/college events. This varies between different institutions.
AA2A does not provide financial support to artists except for support with costs associated with childcare, travel and materials through our Artist Support Fund - https://aa2a.org/artist-support-fund/
No, but AA2A artists are expected to offer up to 4 unpaid sessions for the benefit of students, which could include informal workshops, talks or lectures. Students may wish to interview artists for student publications, blogs or social media.
Complete the application form on our website including images of your work, a project proposal and supporting materials such as a CV or artist statement. We are happy to help artists requiring additional support or who wish to submit their applications in a different format. Contact andy@aa2a.org 
Each institution has its own deadline which is usually in September. Exact details will be listed on our available from around mid/late July.
Artists submit their application form via the AA2A website. Staff from the host university/college shortlist and then contact shortlisted artists to arrange for further discussion or an interview. This may take place online or at the host institution. Some hosts choose to invite an external member to the discussion/interview, often from a local arts organisation. University/college staff then contact artists to let them know if they have been selected for a residency.
This varies with each host but usually within a couple of weeks of the discussion/interview.
1) A description of your creative practice. 2) What you would like to get out of the residency/project plan/proposal. 3) Which facilities/resources you intend to use. 4) Your ideas for how you can enhance students' learning through workshops, talks etc and share your experience of being a practising artist
Yes, but you can only be resident at one host.
Yes, as long as there is a break of at least 2 full years since your last residency.
Artists from outside England are not specifically excluded, but AA2A works best for artists living near their college/university. AA2A does not offer funding for travel from abroad, visas, accommodation or living costs.
Many hosts offer opportunities for AA2A artists to exhibit their work during or at the end of the residency. Arrangements for exhibitions will vary depending on the institution and the availability of exhibition spaces.
Jack Brown photo

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