AA2A Resident Artist

Sophie Buxton


During my AA2A residency I am developing a new set of artworks that explore the weaving together of fictional and factual narratives during a time of climate emergency, facilitated by the resources of the printmaking dept at the Priestman Building.

‘Dream Apocalypse’ is a project I began to work on during a Micro Residency at Sunderland in March 2023; it is a container for my hopes and fears of living through the climate crisis, and a ground in which I created new montages of materials, facts and fictions, using riso print.

I am exploring the particular qualities of different print processes, bringing together and overlaying digital and physical printing processes, and thinking about what it means to make printed images in a digital age.

Working across the printmaking facilities at the University I am creating an open and discursive space to share ideas that develop through the project with students and staff, exploring etching, relief print and riso, and how artists’ practices can contribute to a dialogue around the climate emergency.

Sophie Buxton photo

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