AA2A has a ring-fenced fund for artists participating in current AA2A schemes to help with the cost of childcare, travel and materials, and costs associated with disability, which are incurred during the residency period. We are pleased to announce we were able to increase the size of this fund by 20% in 2024.
Support fund applications will open in September and close in November. Late applications will be considered in exceptional circumstances, provided there is any money remaining. A link will be provided on this page when applications open.
All applications will be assessed after the application deadline. We aim to let artists know the outcome of their application within 2 weeks of the support fund closing date. Once informed of our decision, we will aim to make the payment within a week. Note that some ASF payments will be made across instalments with instalments only released once spending has been evidenced.
Please note that AA2A residencies at different universities may not start at the same time, so there may be several weeks between your offer of a place and the outcome of your support fund application.
Application criteria:
If audited, we may need to ask for evidence of spending so please keep records including receipts etc.
Due to Arts Council England rules, ASF is not a grant but an advance payment of expenses you expect to incur. If expenses vary slightly from your estimate you do not need to contact us, as long as they are still within general rules, and records are kept. The money can be used towards travel, formal childcare and materials, which you would not otherwise need.
Reimbursement for travel can be public transport or mileage, paid at a maximum of 25p per mile. Funds cannot be used against the cost of capital items such as computers, kilns etc. Should less than 50 of the 100 access hours be used at your host institution, artists may be asked to return an appropriate proportion of the money or any unused materials. Any unspent funds must be returned so we can fund other artists.