AA2A Resident Artist

Angela YT Chan


Angela YT Chan is an independent researcher, data engineer and artist specialising in climate change. Her work explores power, narrative framings and technology in the colonial and ongoing history of the climate crisis. Angela works with a variety of media and processes, such as video, illustration, writing, narrative games, workshops, sound, creative coding, and her projects often include extensive collaborations in arts, technology, policy and activism (recently Public Data Lab, The Policy Institute). Highlight residencies include Arts Catalyst, FACT/Jerwood, Sonic Acts, Primary, Abandon Normal Devices, and Tactical Tech.

Angela has produced curatorial projects and workshops, collaborating with artists, activists and youth groups (formerly under the name Worm: art + ecology, 2014-2020). She co-directs the London Science Fiction Research Community. As a university educator, she teaches climate colonialism, environmental and social justice in art practices, critical research, games and speculative fiction (Goldsmiths UoL, KCL, RCA, WSA), and mentors artists working on digital media technologies. Angela is also a research consultant, having worked in international climate and cultural policy at Julie's Bicycle and independently on climate projects for major cultural institutions. She has recently joined INTERPRT, a research agency that pursues environmental justice through spatial and visual investigations.

Aytc Profile Credit Louise Hobson 2

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