AA2A Resident Artist

Holly Rowan Hesson


I make installations, sculpture and photographic works that create altered visual and sensory effects and environments.

Using light through photography, projection and various other light sources and often employing industrial and mass-produced materials that are either already highly coloured or that are colourless which I then enrich with colour, I use processes and materials that distort and disorientate, for example through reflection, blurring, layering and duplication.

My work is underpinned and motivated by my interests in how architecture, the built environment and physical space are experienced. I often explore sites in flux, transition or hiatus, working intuitively with the physical space as a material in itself as well as a container to make an intervention full of content and references that takes me time to make through iterative processes and then for a viewer to experience and process.

Ultimately my works seek to visually draw you in and invite you to question what you’re seeing; juxtaposing and contrasting perceived reality, solidity, permanence and simplicity with uncertainty, fragility, ambiguity and complexity.

picture of Holly Rowan Hesson

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