AA2A Resident Artist

Lauren Saunders


Lauren Saunders (b.1990, London) is a professional visual and participatory artist based in Hull, UK.

She works across community practice, installation, drawing and sculpture, events and (increasingly) performance/song, to drive equitable and meaningful climate action. Through her own experiential lenses of class, feminism and disability, her practice-research centres on expanding the definition of community to include the more-than-human through the cultivation of radical compassion, kindness and kinship with the natural world.

Lauren adheres to a firm ethical protocol and exclusively natural, biodegradable and/or sustainable site-specific materials to draw experimentally in the expanded field.

She typically collaborates with communities (both human and more-than-human) through exploring biodegradable sculpture and land-based installation, natural processes and phenomena, experimental ‘line’ and ceremonious meaning-making, storytelling and ritual/song-based performance.

She is influenced by a holistic range of interdisciplinary practice and research; environmental philosophies and ethics, Permaculture practice, conservation science, climate activism, foraging and growing, ritual and ceremony, her British and Irish indigenous cosomologies/Traditional Ecological Knowledge and her own direct experience of ‘listening’ to the Earth. She often works in co-creation with communities to share these transformational skills, ideas and altered perspectives to help them develop their own meaningful relationships with nature.

photo of Lauren Saunders

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